
What’s good for Graham is good for business

GBA monthly meeting – 3rd Wednesday of every month, 7:00 – 8:30 a.m.
Meeting Fee is $10 members, $15 non-members. Held at Graham Fire & Rescue Station 21-4, 23014 70th Ave E, Graham, WA  98338. A hot breakfast is included from the Flying Tomato!

Graham Business Association is a vital and interesting group. We have a membership of nearly 100 businesses and we seem to add members almost every month. There are wonderful networking opportunities and you’ll never meet a nicer group of people. Join us, it’s the right thing to do to build our community.

Membership Application

GBA Membership Benefits

  • Web site directory listing and link
  • Monthly general membership catered breakfast networking meetings with speakers
  • Yearly Golf tournament
  • Grand Opening/Ribbon Cutting events
  • Yearly Scholarship Auction
  • Government advocacy at local and state levels
  • Phone and address list
  • Direct mail marketing – mailing labels available to members only
  • Sponsorship opportunities for meetings and publications
  • “It’s the Right Thing To Do” to build and support your community

Sponsor a General Meeting!
For only $50 your sponsorship includes:

• speak for five minutes at meeting;
• information on two postcard mailings;
• link on blog for two months;
• two email notices;
• meeting fee at sponsored GBA meeting.

  1. Hi Mike, Great Job on this website!
    Congrats on a fine Job.

  2. Mike England

    Thank you Heidi!

  3. Melinda Kelso

    Hi guys Im looking for the gal who I talked to about the Grazing in Graham at the Pierce County Fair yesterday. How can I get set up?

  4. LEADERSHIP FIRE: How To Get Extraordinary Things Done – Consistently!

    This is the topic that Jan Dwyer Bang is speaking on tomorrow (Wed. Aug. 17) at the GBA Meeting. Jan earned her MBA from the University of Chicago and has over 20 years of experience as a speaker, trainer, consultant and coach. Bring an associate! Bring your spouse! Don’t bring your dog, but do bring a friend! Don’t miss this meeting!

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